Saturday, February 25, 2012

Playing with Ribs

Phase 2: Schematic Design
Week 7: February 21, 2012-February 25, 2012

I made some conceptual mock-ups of what the ribs on the cactus could be.  I do not want to translate my design to look exactly like the cactus, but I want it to have a relationship.  I am trying to think about the ribs and their function for the cactus as I create mock-ups.  The ribs function in terms of providing shade, helps the cactus store water, and of course regulates air flow.  In my opinion, the ribs are the key factor when it comes to my design for a passively cooled space.  Architecturally, I see the ribs almost as louver shades.  Their direction, orientation, size, shape, and material all relate to the amount of air flow that will come into the space.  

On the cactus the spines are equally important.  They function as protection, direct the sunlight away from the cactus and facilitates water retention ensuring minimalistic loss of water.  When thinking about the ribs, the spines go hand-in-hand with them.  They work together in my opinion.  I started to think of the spines and how they can work with my design.  I see the spines as having an added value to the ribs.  For my design the spines could be solar panels, window shades, or control wind direction.  I think of the spines as an element that zips the ribs up.  It stitches the ribs together, what if the spines could be unzipped and this controlled sunlight penetration into the interior?      

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Narrowing it Down...

Phase 2: Schematic Design
Week 6: February 16, 2012-February 21, 2012

I have decided that instead of designing an entire home, I would like to add an extension to the home.  The design will be like a parasite attached to the structure allowing people to be outside in this dry arid region.  Instead of focusing on a mechanical air conditioning supplement, I want to focus on the passive cooling ideas presented by the barrel cactus.  Below shows my process of working with sketches and ideas for what the design could be and then the parasite ideas and thoughts.  

Reference: Building Construction Illustrated by Francis D.K. Ching

The beginning of several mock-ups to come...

Friday, February 17, 2012

Indigenous Materials

Phase 1: Research & Preliminary Design
Week 5: February 6, 2012-February 14, 2012

I believe that in order to truly be sustainable with my attempt at biomimicry, I should look into indigenous materials for my design.  I researched what the natives used in this region and they had no choice but to use local materials.  Today, some of these materials can/are being used, however, strict building codes regulate how they are implemented and often encourage non traditional methods.  

Monday, February 6, 2012

Some Design Ideas for the Lizards

Phase 1: Research & Preliminary Design
Week 4: January 27, 2012-February 6, 2012

Architecture & Material Inspiration for the Lizards

Phase 1: Research & Preliminary Design
Week 4: January 27, 2012-February 6, 2012

Some Design Ideas for the Barrel Cactus

Phase 1: Research & Preliminary Design
Week 4: January 27, 2012-February 6, 2012

Architecture & Material Inspiration for the Barrel Cactus

Phase 1: Research & Preliminary Design
Week 4: January 27, 2012-February 6, 2012

A Supplement to Air Conditioning Lizard Style

Phase 1: Research & Preliminary Design
Week 4: January 27, 2012-February 6, 2012

I thought long and hard about the lizards and how I could use their adaptations for an air conditioning supplement.  I came up with two concepts.  One uses the lizards ability to capture water through its scales and the other involves the lizards predatory instinct to inflate.